Monday, January 23, 2012

Where has all the comedy gone ?

774 interview with Jonathon Lyn today provided an opportunity to explore what's missing from our sense of humor . Lyn provided a few clues of merit . You need to be angry . With abcchurch and our culture stuck in the new morality of "anger is a sin" we are cultivating  depression .
Our heritage as Westerners was clearly not to make anger a sin  but to deal with anger in its various forms and drives ( true biodiversity) -- not to join the church chorus and  say its wrong .
Until there some reality threapy about these serious but diverse issues and  metanoia there will continue to be little to laugh about .
Interestingly interviewing Antony Jay would have added some clues of merit too .Clearly Laubey and he would add some clarity to  the boundaries of the paradox that currently constrains the newly religious.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The new opportunities presenting themselves to the info age are positive and challenging - esp for old control agents within the etsablishment ( see previous posts and here ) . New niches deserve exploring. McLullan must be turning in his grave.
Positives  1. Repetition with updates
abcnews24 provides news when you want it, but is not suitable for long term viewing because stories are repeated .
This limitation can be a good thing because people switch on and off to get what they want when they want it;the new bits can be like updates and because it does repeat ( we started doing 5 .minute repeats all day on community radio in the 1990's Otway FM when bushfires are on - ABC should think of doing the same with ABC3 in emergencies?)
2. ABC24  still has limits and still like other media is a bit paranoid about losing control . A better NEWS service MUST work with The NET and Communityy Radio --not against it
 The ABC can do things better in some areas ( emergencies) you heard it first on blogger .copyright EA jan2012

(The format of 24 provides a great new opportunity to tell stories too - ongoing stories. the little snippets of 6 houry updates on the trip to Antarctica make for very interesting reinforcement for the great old tradition of BOTH reporting and convos .More people great !

Our ABC have the opportunity to stop shortening reporting and over editorializing reports. more reporting and people is a way of diversifying their product ( competing with the internet and other media nd tablet types ) and making the ABC more credible and "eventful" .
the media have to date been able to get away with simplifying and editorializing in ways they will not in the future. esp with tweets and our recognition that the news service "don't know everything they just make us feel they do "
Great to hear reporters quoting tweets,fbook and including more people at the table. (abcthedrum ) More people at the table the more unpredictability and the more interesting . sure beats the frustration of old abcchurch congregational  singing.