Friday, April 23, 2004

Indigestion needs a cure
Sorry Red (simmons) but you are talking about technology...NOT in your program promotion on 774.
The distinction is important because technology doesn't need promotion- the promoters often need prosecuting!. Science, by comparison cannot be dreamed up and provides some stability in a world where genuine progress can actually be delayed by wastage of all the "technological fixes". Half baked ideas which do not discern the nature of ingredients and the effective tested ways to integrating role them in good recipes.
Avoid technocolour yawns
Support independant scientists esp on complex matters of environment and health . http: //

Monday, April 19, 2004

Don't forget to get deeply behind the farmers blockade story . depression goes deeper than ever because the feeling amongst them is that " well what can we do about it " and patronsing nonsense and irrartionality is rife in the ciities view of ag imperatives - lucky there is even a few people on the road - many just fall by the wayside like that sugar grower in Tully in Qld last week ???? just casualties iof an undeclared war of words - careless chants best intentions and stupid simplistic competetition imperatives that favour ony some of the market .

Don't just report incidents - connect them --- then you will have a real story
The expert on british governance on 774 sunday night said the shock jocks overestimate their power and influence while governments and long termers undertestimate it Here here! . Great reporting but lets have less talk and more commitmet to independance and permanenece in the court - truth without fear or favour > the best bits of the ABC

The comedy non festival atmosphere someone on the ABC is too seriuos , seriuosly
I'm Speaking of apparent fear of finding out the real truth about Mel' Brooks 's worldview . where was the obvoius question jon ? edited out ?
Jon feine chat with his hero was good, but could have been less feining and more forthright. How long will austrailans wait before they learn that that what so many of their favourite artists value is the values they rejected in the youth - time is up for fanatically resisting it jon !

Fancy the renegade jew not being willing to ask in all honesty the older jew , whose work he admires, the tough question - why " even sacred "in relation to his jewishness ( clearly another passion of mels )
Your own church jon, is a house of reactionary revisionist cards . Don't worship revisionism- it has no roots ! your audience too will move on too when they see what you cannot yet!!

the tough question " What is about traditional jewishness that inspires you and maybe even that other mel "maybe andrew bolt or andrew denton . or barry cassidy is tough enough to ask ?