Sunday, October 26, 2003

Did the Australian media anywhere ask the question , I trust our school teachers will ask this week?
"Did Bob brown or President Bush show more respect for democracy in the way they conducted themselves in our house of parliament?. In your house is it ok to break in and break the rules, ignore the rights of others to be heard by butting in when not invited or when your turn has not arrived yet ?
Even the little children will surely say well "maybe if his voice ,his face his story had never been told before .if he was being ignored .,Then it might be Ok but otherwise why does he behave like a spoilt kid looking for attention butting in with the same old same old we've heard before .

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Neither Bob Brown or Hugh Worth bleating over some happy sheep half way around the world is really top news material - day after day all wannabes expected to speak on local issues . Whose controlling our news ? ABC news and current affairs falling well behind in its credibility and independence ( cf SBS) Its incipid, predicatable and missable( 730) and often irelevant because its too controlled ? Take leaf out of late lines history stuff "