Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Age - not even clear where the science is

Nothing casts a greater shadow over the debate tonight than the poverty of understanding amongst journos about who has the right to set the scene over the scenario of the future pressures on our earth .

The Age misses the inrellectual boat by making the silly assmption that only wel l funded uturologists ( metrerologists) should get the nod( the 5 agents) .leaving the gelogsists and remoete sensors and the ages' credibility -----out in the cold - in scienec mate there are many disciplines used to helpdraw testable conclusions from the observations - some of the most telling are the ones written in the sands of time. . at least plimer got a look in on other pages .

774 has trouble finding someone in aust other than cullen and flannery - Today theaannals of theroyal society ( NAS britian )were again scoured - andthe irrlevant finds -:trite anecdotes from a solo britain


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