Thursday, July 12, 2007

When you start adding something to someone else's story

The big challenge for the ABC and the AGE ( before we finally see it )
Will its reporting of the Climate change debate be a little more reasonable than its resistance to it . The limitations to resisting the change agenda agents ( who are clearly in a powerful majority in power terms) are almost insuperable – after all you need a lot more money and political support than most way ward scientists get . Whatever the limitation then of the oppositions, and Durkins ( he’s not alone by any means) case , the fact remains that some of the important science and practice questions on global warming imperatives is at last being aired !! A first step ! .

The Age and the ABC will go into history proclaiming solutions that even scientists are not advocating .

YES The problem or potential problem has been stated and that’s OK .The earth is warming .

NO What’s it’s not OK to add to the science story -is that the solution has been stated. It has not in terms of cause and effect . It will be interesting to see not only wether the

we've seen their bit . Its easy for the well heeled to criticise the adventures of community TV - but when they use the production errors of the poor up as the key critiques I know i won't rush out to buy the age again for a while. The bloke wass doing hat many people want -a debate we never had and may not really have . sure the substance has potential errors but so does the PCorrect> A mor ebalanced debae wiould insteda of focusing on some claytons ( from us scientists0 issues( changes in the sun ) asked the more critical question - is co2 clearly linked to the warming and HOW .

There is No point other than blowing your mouth off to state the solution when the cause is not clear . Only fools and those who would , in what ever faith system, will to destroy the opportunity to do good over environmental protection . Blow the trumpet too early and you willingly do that – blow the opportunity to do good for the environment .
That is blowing the trumpet when the direction in which to send the troops is unclear.


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