Thursday, October 19, 2006

Mere Media Ownership

Have the lefties got bigness= badness stuck on their brains?
Preoccupied with preddjudice it seems the public missed the opportunity to hear a decent punchy debate on the biggest interest of the day--- media ownership. seems they left it to steve F - a bit of a big ask!
Hopefully the predicatable wave of asset stripping that presumably drives this great interest of the moment will fade and despite the lefts assertion- consumers will still have more power than we are told we have - but who knows - nobdy cut it anywhere i know with some tough questions!.

Did the govt just woose out to big buisness as usual ? I don't think the left are well tragetd here . ythey spend far too much time woorying themseleves sick about big america, or big something - seems like some technocolour yawn from mixing jealosy and cynicsm .....sometimes

Money certainly to be made NOW - but maybe not in real progress and sound business but on speculating wether the disincenstives to encourage creativity will remain .Good on the ABC for doing it -------why not make them all do it ! (5% of space allocated on a roliing roster basis)
I certainly don't trust any of the current powerbrokers to give advice on this issue . If you know the blog space tell us here !


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