Thursday, November 06, 2008

Fear and censorship in the ABC

Never have I been so embarrased to be Australian, than when the ABC failed to report the news of the day: Obama's victory speech .

What are journos worried about ? The threat to the Secularist state?
" How do churchmen like Rudd and Obama get to run things??"" - doesn't make sense, or does it in a weird sort of "we know more than the public do" type of abcchurch sense.

A man's words are the best summary of himself - the best summary of America in a moment of great challenge -yet we never heard it . The ABCnewsmen couldn't bring themselves to report it in prime time - even as highlights. Maybe they are very constrained men, in need of some therapy and emotional discharge ? ( Men's group movie-)

Obama's words, and the emotion of the people in great crowds were the means for us to really understand ( rather than speculate on what the real America was on about yesterday) but ABC news refused to give prime time to them . It had, it seems, to reinforce their dangerously myopic view that emotions were taking over - our children never to see and understand that in this great powerful country there are people just like us - no - we can only see their cynicsm and dislike of all things dangerou----imposed on us like we are in church today .
(Obamas words may have been on earlier but 90minutes of prattle around those words is a disgrace .)

No wonder SBS is taking over the ABC's territory!!!!!