Monday, March 05, 2007

The moral guardians at THE AGE

We used to subscribe to the Age .
But they lost their way
and then words had less meaning
reporting became retorting.

Went to the newsagents today wondering ; Is The Age worth buying TODAY ?

Only had to see the front page to know
You had 3 people passionately push a personal beef about Rudd .
What causes the intelligensia at The Age to club with the libs? to call for crucifiction ? wouldn't be like Herod and Pilate would it ?
If you are going to take the moral high ground you best check

BC or AD ?

I thought stone throwing went out with the fascists of the first century
Just shows you - diseases don't die they just hide !

How does THE AGE justify personal views on the front page
eating away at the papers credibility .
Short term gain ----long term pain
I am sure The Age and the party lost a few more lib voters over this quickfiz driven drivel by the hidden circle of cynics in the driving seat 1
"What is truth"?