Saturday, August 26, 2006

Grahame morris made the point very well on LATELINE last night , but is anyone in the major parties really listening .

Take the public expenditure on environmental and health care mangement. ITs all over the place like a dogs breakfast and just as appetizing . Needs some ideas some cutting edge ideas

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Barrie Cassidy might be highly regarded. But his hatchet job of the migration debate on Sundays insiders puts him back in the abc church brigade . Clearly disciples often only talk about things they themselves can manage . Not good enough - limits abc to abc . no wonder we switch off.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Thanks to Tony Jones ( Lateline tuesday) persistence, the leadership , while they they may be still winning votes in Europe, are losing credibility with thinking people . If your insurgents don't have your support, why don't you deal with them. You mean too that that you, as a government, are too weak to stop "the innocents" being killed ?to do anything much at all?

Next question Tony . What is the exact status of austrailans living in lebanon?. Clearly there are not many tourists, in the sense of foreigh visitors. Even Mr Brown , your reporter , looks at home there . All this fussig/fudging? to suggest they can't flee seems like a real furphy of fantastical proportions -
Don't just talk and film victims: we are not stupid . convince us you care about how to get them out of danger zone not just film some predictable high level talk about "crimes" -attitude problems that someone else has .