Tuesday, May 16, 2006

SBS TOPS in STORY TELLING What a feast on SBS .
OPUS DEI VS Protocols of ZION
What a great story starter is Marc Levin. His willingbness to go and ask the people and report them sweeps over us like a brilliant piece of evening air. What a contrast to the many public purse pedlars who can't seem to help themsleves to demonise one group or another - missing the point week after blatant week without one once of idealism to stop the stultification that dulls the Wests great pointed vision of what exactly it should be vigilant about .
Marc's compilation of open questions and Mike work was topped off by sharing his father with us and the stories of the men from prison. What a magical moment to hear those those blokes from prison make the most sense and remind us we are ultimately one and we owe it to one and everyone to teach forgiveness. Lets urge SBS to show it again . Do it again mate ---it was great!

If you haven't seen it chase it up . Conspiracy or cockup NO . cockup and conspriacy to cover it up .

Friday, May 12, 2006

Dancing with the Stars has provided the young audience of Australia with a very important lesson . Like a mirror to their own excuses they watched grown men and women capitulate to some force of evil not identified and not rational . They made up some story about Todd and co being not good enough .

The mirror on the screen said it all - That life is not always fair and that even judges can rationalise, rebel and be blind when it suits them .
Westerners --Worry not about what you see in all the finery but what you don't see working its way to the surface occassionally.