Thursday, June 23, 2005

Asset sales . Anyone allowed to mention asset stripping these days ? spud sales go to NZ. maybe you failed to make the connection that NZ NOW own some of our value adding industries and are in a good position to "advertize" just how few cents for a piece of spud /milk you now have to pay .
the economy is booming so they tell us. what -----in the sales of assets column ?

Yes ! Pat Mcnamara’s happy parade on ABC 774 this week made me really mad .

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Will Media be banned from AFL Clubrooms -as from Today !

Friday, June 17, 2005

What a scoop (a great point of High political juggularity )if some non conformist in sleepy hollow woke up to WHY we waste so much money on the environment . Simililarrly it would be a great waste if all the noise about that fantastic story on Peter Andrews ( Australain story ABCTV this week) got no further than a slanging match about " who knows best " .

A few clues will be handedout on cuttingedge conservation

Friday, June 10, 2005

Silence ----the real news is that you are unaware of how widespread quick fix is ! There is no news rsally - noone's talking to either the media or the polys . We tried that and wore ourseleves out. You can have as any ABC offices in rural ares s as you like but burnout and notalk is the result of non compus mentus - you percieve the problems before you document them .

We all stop talking when you think those who talk alot stop listening .Neither party can hack complex issues Ask Tim Flannery what he thinks of locking things up and its effect on biodiversity .Then we might talk again Austarilan story says a lot about how complex these things are - no quick fix please! http://the
