Thursday, June 17, 2004

Pin the tail on the donkey, anyone ?

Politicians rush to outdo each other this week with religious like doomsday stories on the grand design and the great damnation risks from "global warming" . Have they had just walked out of the day after tommorow . Has politics come down to believing its own hype?. Most scientists are starting to realise that most of the talk is completely careless, dangerous and likely to lead to waste in moving goalposts. Take all the so called " direct connections"( CO2 = warming )formerly (warming =ozone)
Talk of moving targets-- where oh where has the ozone layer gone?
Sequestratio too will become a dirty word the way they suddenly name it as "the new imperative". What quick fix junk! what do ABC make of it all
Is Flannery not concerned that Bob Brown uses the same argument as his to deflect attention from the real cause of recent bushfires on the east coast .
Panic merchants we do not need! see http:/

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Excellent meet the person Kerry
have stopped watching 7:30 report regularly - but i thought the pointed questions and time in talk from kerry tonight made for an excellent engagement with the man we probably all need to get to know. Garrett

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Switching to radio national - what a relief
Ockhams razor time though "life matters" moved into cutting edge social policy instead of satisfying comfortably 20 years of blinkered reactionary stuff in safe boundaries . No wonder the british eclipse us with their comedy about serious cultural matters . Mr Bean is obscene but at least the brits have a means of admitting to individual self centeredness and avoiding political correctness

Australian social researcher ( Ockhams razor ABC) R Eckersley has identified a problem in our dogged attachment to all things individialistic - it doesn't work.
Dull and reactionary 4 corners report on consumer culture was predictably "oh yeah !" "may be a bit confronting" Ho hum 20yrs old too often sama old sameold point is not the problem but how to prevent it ruining peoples lives and why did we fall for it - eckersley's stuff ?