Thursday, November 18, 2004

Paul Collins wanted to say something on ABC radio . He got prime time. I wonder why because he , with the help of the journos, painted a popular old predjudice all over what was really said by what he percieves to be "the other side"of the Christian world - Family first . That other side are unthinking and extreme...? There are, after all, only two ways to go - two neat camps and two subjects: Science and Religion .The thinkers and the non thinkers ,Them and us No wonder the ABC never adjudicates a decent debate in prime time any more . Surely John Cleary and Robin Williams still believe in the Philosophy of Science as some sort of legitimate hybrid . Can't have too many unclear categories if you are going to categorize ideas and groups can you? At ABCChurch its very important to get things very, very clear.


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