Thursday, November 20, 2003

Who really needs help ? Jon Feine, on ABC radio today, is happy to seek some influence with the Feds to help the VNPA? with the "enormous burden of their administrative costs" a figure of $80000 was mentioned ( per State?) . Lots of community groups don't get anything , let alone a group who think leasing a small area of public land within a National park is " not secure enough? "
what Island of real world land management practice are they living on , and why should the feds fund the very bright greens - they get mostly what they want anyway? Maybe Nick and Jon and David kemp would like to blog on why leases aren't good enough for those who can't fund their own campaigns, but expect that they can run their own campaign on our radio stations and with federal help / we'll send em an invite eh !

Monday, November 10, 2003

If its not popular you don't say it -unfortunately the common recipe for success in broadcasting is undermining its effectiveness in some areas - helping the people recognise risk and respond to it before it kills and maims the innocent
Is there enough talk on any station of the credit squeeze to come, and how to avoid it.
Good to see Barry Cassidy trying something different on Sunday mornings ( and elsewhere ) on the ABC .Though he did a good job as mediator, his energetic panel of "now, now tut"religoius left ,defenders of the antics of bob brown helped to make the calm rationality of bolt very obvious .The same old same olds were trotted out by ageing lefties -does it take twenty years and only one dissenter of reactionary practice to show how tired ,old and irrelevant is their rhetoric and predicatable in a debate warmer than most on the ABC because bolty was there!! . . All the excuses( favourite talking point on ABC sunday last week and too often on ABC- Surely reactionaries and children worry rejection of excuses will deny them free speech ) in the world won't hold up hot air - and the excuses made for bad behavoiur by delinquents . Wake up ABC , lots of your news commentators are as predictable as old defenders of everything left of average would be at their age of pretend radicalism. We switch off to renovationing shows , SBS , books for something more interesting.
Channel 7 is asking itself why fewer are watching their slow slide towards the lower bottom line . short term gain, long term pain buddies .
Don't be like the polys and fall for something simple like that all business success is the same and that all businesses and sports and brains play the same game. Time to dig a bit deeper fellas - formulae, form and faithlessness haven't saved The Bill - great art, science, governance and environmental progress is built on knowing the difference between two apparently similiar success stories. When there is no vision in broadcasting and belief ,the people and the projects perish